Voluntary Gost R Certificate – last update 15.04.2016
Before to start reading this page about the GOST R voluntary certificate, we recommend reading of the key features of the GOST R certification in Russia in the introductory page. Many of the main questions that may arise are dealt with exhaustively in that extensive description of the Russian Regulation. In particular, because of the drastic changes that have occurred in recent years, the transition to the unified certification for the Eurasian Economic Union marked EAC, is highlighted.
Documents Gost R
Voluntarily certificate according to Gost R
The voluntary Gost R certificate, differ very little from the mandatory Gost R certificate. Firstly as the name imply it is not necessarily required for all products placed on the market. A manufacturer, an importer or a distributor, in this case is able to choose whether to subject the product to the certification process. The voluntary GOST R certificate is usually recommended: firstly, because it guarantees the quality of the product to customers, who is then led to prefer it; and secondly, because an extensive number of big corporation required it for the participation to tenders . In case instead, where the regulation in force is not very clear on the needs to attain a certification, the Gost R letter of exemption is to be preferred.
The Voluntary Gost r Certificate of conformity establishes the compliance of a product, imported into the Russian Federation, to Russian standards and it is now the most common of all Gost R certificates, since the EAC regulation and its EAC certificate and EAC Declaration became available and mandatory. It comes in several forms: Gost R for 1 year, Gost R for 2 years, GOST R for 3 years.
The list of products requiring Voluntary Gost R Certification is issued and continuously updated by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology. Whereas the mandatory Gost R certificate is Yellow, the voluntary Gost R certificate is Blue
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Time and cost to obtain a mandatory Gost R certificate of conformity
From the moment of delivery of all required application documents, the time needed for issuing a mandatory Gost R certificate of conformity is: 1-2 days
The total cost (including VAT) of a volutary Gost R certificate of conformity is in the range: €350-1250
Costs vary depending on the time validity of the request, the product to be certified, and the number of product variants, or of different products if they are considered to be similar.